Xiao's Spectrum of Life

Power Spectrum: something I wish I could understand early (1)

Other than the time plot, the power spectrum and the spectrogram (a plot that shows the signal in time and frequency domain) are probably the most important tools for digital signal analysis. Becau...

RTL-SDR based ADS-B Receiver

In the last post, we talked a lot about the details of the ADS-B signal, but how can we receive the signal and use it to track aircraft in real-time? In this blog, I will show how to use RTL-SDR to...

ADS-B Basics

Introduction Recently, I was doing some research on the ADS-B signal, and I’d like to take this opportunity to organize and share my results. ADS-B stands for Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Br...

This is the First Post

Welcome There is nothing here, yet. Will start posting soon. Hope you like the photo Central Park After Snow